Don and Henry are back for the New Year with a little catch up, Battle of The Bulge, The 99th Division, The 2nd Infantry Division, Mail Call, Plus Much more. Listen / More
USMC 1943 Boyt Knapsack
2nd Pattern Marine Corps Depot Made 782 Gear. WWII USMC M1941 Knapsack Lower Pack 2nd Pattern Marine Corps Depot Made 782 Gear Early/Mid production 2nd pattern M1941 Knapsack with the sewn-on style strap…
Boyt 42 USMC “Upper” Haversack
Issued starting in mid-1942 to replace the complex and inefficient M1928 Haversack. It was made to carry the standard Marine combat load- meat can, utensils, spare socks and underwear, toiletries, and a basic…
This week, we sit down with Dennis R Blocker II. to Discuss his Grandfather’s action dunning the pre-invasion’s of Iwo Jima Listen / more
This week Don Jeff and Henry get caught up after our time way. We talk Living History, “What Took So Long”, Places to go, Battle of The Bulge, History, Movies and More Listen…
Thus that first historic sentence—the one that is usually quoted from the speech—was born: “Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked…
W.T.S.P. Christmas Shirt
Get your Classic WTSP Ralphie “All I want For Christmas is a M1” T-shirt. User promo code Pogeybait Get Yours Here
Don and Henry discuss his attendance at the 15th international WWII Conference, the battle of Tarawa, plus much more. Listen / More