First Hand Accounts
On this page you will find content sent to us by our listeners and members of our community.
Most of these files / photos were created and maintained by “Those Who Were There” and then Handed Down to their friends of Family.
If you would like to submit a file / photo/ video etc, please contact us at

Bataan Death March
The story of PFC James H. Cowen, USAAF
Excellent episode last week with Marcus Brotherton and the Bataan Death March.
Recently a coworker shared with me the short memoir of her grandfather’s brother, PFC James H. Cowen, USAAF. He felt compelled to write his experiences down in 1972 after suffering nightmares and flashbacks as a result of watching the nightly news reports from Vietnam.
Cowen survived the Bataan Death March, and imprisonment at O’Donnell and Cabanatuan P.O.W. camps. He was subsequently liberated by the Army Rangers in the Great Raid at Cabanatuan in January 1945.
Attached please find a copy of the original hand typed memoir, shared with permission. My understanding is that it has never been published (though his story has been mentioned in published works and online).
I know you’ll agree – it’s an honor to read each and every memoir.
San Jose, CA