

These were only made in 1942 due to the government trying to conserve the aluminum for the war effort. They were made of a low grade steel and porcelain covered but were not produced for long before the military went back to the other metals.

The U.S. Army acquired about five million M-1942 enameled steel canteens from six manufacturers. Most of the supply is believed to have gone to the Marine Corps and Navy, possibly because the Army did not want them.

Among the contractors who produced these are:

Vollrath Corp. (VOLLRATH)

U.S. Stoneware Co. (U.S.S.Co.)

Bellaire Enameling Co. (B.E.Co.)

Republic Stamping and Enameling Co. (REP or R.E.P.Co.)

Fletcher Enameling Co. (F.E. Co.)

Strong Manufacturing Co. (S.M. Co.)

Geuder, Paeschke & Fray (apparently unmarked)